Our Beliefs

We are a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, diverse congregation whose commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another, creating a community of faith where people of every race, nationality and culture gather as one in worship, service and work.


Humble Service in the Body of Christ

Romans 12: 3-8

(3) For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

(4) For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function

(5) So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

(6) We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith;

(7) if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;

(8) if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Our History
Dedicated service since 1896

Calvary Baptist Church in Belmar, NJ started as a modest Bible study in the home of one of our initial members in 1896.

In 1900, the members bought a piece of property and built the initial sanctuary. Ten years later, the church moved to its current location at 600 13th Ave in Belmar. Church members dug the church's foundation by hand and moved the original church by horse and buggy to its current location. The moving of the church was a community-wide event.

The largest ministries of the old church were choirs, youth ministries, discipleship programs, children’s choirs, basketball teams, and vacation bible school. People would walk for miles to come to the church.

The church would stage plays and events for the community, attracting several professional singers which ignited their music ministry as the church's central focus. The church would hold concerts with other churches in the county, attracting people from far and wide.