Pastor James Elliott will be resigning from his position as pastor of Calvary Baptist Church with his last Sunday of preaching being February 23, 2025. We shall all miss Pastor James and wish him well and Godspeed in his future pastoral endeavors.
The following is a letter from Pastor James Elliott to the congregants of Calvary Baptist Church announcing his resignation:
"I’d like to begin by saying, “Grace and Peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” God bless you and love you all.
I have been very blessed in serving as your pastor over the past 2 years and four months. You are a wonderful group of Christian people…a wonderful congregation. You’ve been very loving and caring toward me…you’ve been very accepting and affirming, very supportive and encouraging in my Christian ministry here at Calvary Baptist.
You’ve been a blessing to my heart and life, and I thank God for each of you, and I thank God for our partnership in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I love you all and I thank God for you.
Over the past couple months, God has led me to consider candidacy for pastoral ministry with First Baptist Church of Manasquan. I recently met with their church leadership and I had a Candidacy Weekend and Preaching Day on January 11th and 12th. God has led the people of First Baptist Church of Manasquan to call me as their pastor, and God has led me to humbly accept this call.
My first Sunday at First Baptist Church of Manasquan will be March 2, 2025, God-willing, and I will continue to serve here at Calvary Baptist Church of Belmar up to that point (again, God-willing). My last Sunday at Calvary Baptist will be Sunday, February 23, 2025.
Once again, I thank God for my ministry here at Calvary Baptist. You’ve been a wonderful congregation and you’ve been a great blessing to me. You’ve all been truly “a Joy” to me in every way, and a blessing to my heart and spirit. I pray that God will sanctify me and strengthen me, and help me to continue to serve the people of Calvary Baptist Church with all my heart…and may God sanctify me and strengthen me, and help me to serve the people of First Baptist Church of Manasquan with all my heart, when that time comes. To God be the Glory. Jesus Christ is Lord."
In Christian love and humility.
Pastor James Elliott