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Please join us, Calvary Baptist Church, for our worship and preaching series on the "I AM sayings of Jesus" which will be a 5-week series beginning on July 28, 2024 and extending through August 25, 2024.  In this very Biblical series, Pastor James Elliott will spiritually guide us in reflecting upon the following words of Christ:

"I AM" (our intro week) from John 8:58.  Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."

"I AM the Bread of Life," from John 6:35.

"I AM the Light of the World," from John 8:12.

"I AM the Good Shepherd," from John 10:11.

"I AM the resurrection and the Life," John 11:25-26.

Pastor James has remarked, "I believe this will be a very profound and meaningful series to all of us who have open hearts to receive this word of Christ.  I believe that we will be able to understand and embrace more fully the grace and the goodness, the light and the saving power, of our Lord Jesus Christ through these Gospel themes.  I pray that you will be able to join us, and I pray that every heart will be blessed."

We offer two Sunday worship opportunities:

9:00 a.m. zoom service (Please see our homepage for log on information.)

10:30 a.m. in-person service